Promoting a cross-border approach to emergency care
to improve health care for citizens
Project follow-up and experiences in Navarra
Read more: Seguimiento del proyecto y experiencias navarrasOn November 27th and 28th, 2014, the partners of the SA-URG project met at the Navarrabiomed facilities in Pamplona-Iruña in order to carry out a detailed follow-up of the project development. During the meeting,...
The first working meeting in Bayonne lays the foundations of the SA-URG project
Read more: La primera reunión de trabajo en Bayona asienta las bases del proyecto SA-URGThe SA-URG partners met in Bayonne to launch the project's actions. This first meeting was a good opportunity for each partner to present the emergency health organization in their area before...
SA-URG: a Pyrenean response to the challenges of emergency management in the cross-border area
Read more: SA-URG: una respuesta pirenaica a los retos de gestión de urgencias en la zona transfronterizaThe SA-URG project was recently presented during the International Disaster Response Meetings in Toulouse. The official launch of SA-URG took place recently in Toulouse, within the framework of the International Disaster Response Meetings in...
Precedents: See EGALURG project